Will continue hunger strike until Haryana releases water, says Atishi

Atishi said she would continue her indefinite hunger strike, which entered the fourth day on Monday, despite adverse health effects until Haryana released the “rightful share of Delhi’s water”.

“My blood pressure and sugar levels are dropping and my weight has gone down. Ketone level is very high which can have harmful effects in the long run. No matter how much my body suffers, I will continue the fast till Haryana releases water,” she said. 

In video message, she said she was medically examined by doctors on Sunday.

Delhi ministers write letter to PM Modi

Delhi cabinet ministers have written a letter to Prime Narendra Modi and urged him to resolve the water crisis in the national capital on priority, Environment minister Gopal Rai said on Monday. Delhi ministers Gopal Rai, Saurabh Bharadwaj, Kailash Gahlot and Imran Hussain said Atishi’s health is deteriorating. The ministers decided to write a letter to the prime minister on the water crisis during a meeting at the site of Atishi’s hunger strike at Jangpura’s Bhogal.

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