Man held for abandoning lover`s child on train, spinning kidnapping story

A man from Nagpur was arrested after he abandoned a 4-year-old boy on a train claiming that he had been kidnapped as he saw the child as a hurdle in his relationship with his mother, an official said on Sunday.

Hansraj Dyaneshwar Dakhne (25) allegedly left the child on the train on Friday before cooking up the kidnapping story, he said.

The boy`s mother had left her husband following a marital dispute and came to Nagpur to work in a lodge. She met accused Hansraj Dyaneshwar Dakhne (25) and the two got into a relationship, the official said.

However, Dakhne wanted to get rid of the boy. Under the guise of taking the boy to school for admission on Friday, Dakhne abandoned him on a Wardha-bound train and returned claiming that he was kidnapped by three men. The woman then approached the police.

After police questioned Dakhne, he confessed to leaving the child on the train. With the help of the Government Railway Police (GRP), the Ganeshpeth police located the boy at Wardha railway station and reunited him with his mother, the official said.

Dakhne has been arrested for charges, including abandoning a child and kidnapping, under the Indian Penal Code, the official added. 

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